Omnichannel pim

Product Information Management

In today's competitive commerce landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their product offerings and deliver an exceptional customer experience.
The Benefits

Use PIM for increased customer engagement, loyalty and sales

Whether you need to update your product catalogs, ensure data accuracy, or create immersive experiences. There are relevant reasons why to use TheShop PIM product management tool.
PIM benefits

Data centralisation

You gain a comprehensive solution for centralising and managing your product data. Whether you need to update your product catalogs, images, videos, ensure data accuracy, manage all products in one single place.

Engaging content

Enriching with engaging content, you can optimise product content, personalise the customer journey, and deliver consistent brand messaging, resulting in increased customer engagement and conversions.

Omnichannel data distribution

Effortlessly data distribution across various channels, languages and domains. Distribute everywhere without limitations using API or simple CSV/Excel, XML files.


No needs to change your current e-commerce platform. TheShop is compatible with worlds biggest e-commerce platforms Shoptet, Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, PrestaShop.
Designed for Developers and Agencies

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